Saturday, June 02, 2007

From They call him James Ure: Man Eats Dog

"LONDON - A British artist has eaten chunks of a corgi dog, the breed favored by Queen Elizabeth II, live on radio to protest the royal family's treatment of animals."

From They call him James Ure: Man Eats Dog

"<a onblur="try {parent$$deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://bp2$$blogger$$com/_YdAacBURVXE/RmGlkAtLUCI/AAAAAAAABjA/XmJ2pVL0cDw/s1600-h/man_eats_dog$$jpg""

From Buddhist_philosopher: Philosophy: If Everyone Lived Like You...

"<div style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">WE WOULD NEED 3.8 PLANETS!!!</span><br /></div><br />Wow.."

Monday, January 29, 2007

From The Buddhism Community: buddhists @ 2007-01-21T22:44:00

"In the interest of preserving an open dialogue in this community, feel free to reply to owl_clan's post here without being summarily deleted, or having screening turned on."

From The Buddhism Community: noisy neighbors

"What would Buddha do about noisy neighbors:
a) go up and politely tell them to turn it down, time after time after time.
b) call the police and have them do it.
c) create some dramatic lesson for them to indirectly learn
d) none of the above in the interest of not interfering with living flow."

From The Buddhism Community: buddhists @ 2007-01-22T12:20:00

"Would anyone like to give me a review of the magazine "Shambala Sun"? Thinking of subscribing to it."

From The Buddhism Community: Taoist in your Midst

"Hello all,

After watching your community here for a few days and being impressed with the level of activity and quality of posts, I've decided to join. I myself am not a Buddhist, but actually closer to a Taoist in practice. My knowledge of Buddhism is also admittedly basic, but I look forward to learning from you all and throwing in my two cents on occasion."


Happy New Year everybody! 明けましておめでとうございます to my friends in Japan where it's already 2007! Pretty soon it'll be 2007 here too and I'm stunned and amazed."

From hardcorezen: ENLIGHTENMENT Part A Million

"For those who haven't noticed yet, I have a new article up on SuicideGirls. You should be able to get to it by clicking on the words "new article up on SuicideGirls" in the previous sentence. I'm really bad with this HTML mark-up stuff."

From hardcorezen: I Am Not Marilyn Manson

I would like to point out here that I am not Marilyn Manson. Yesterday I got a phone call. "Is Br(unintelligible) there?"

From hardcorezen: Sandra Sue Warner



Rest in Peace, Mom. Thank you."

From hardcorezen: THANKS EVERYBODY

"Thank you for all the condolence messages. My dad is telling friends and relatives that instead of sending flowers or anything they should donate to the Huntington's Disease Society of America."


"For those of you who have asked, here are some videos of my talk at Hastings College in Hastings, Nebraska in the Fall of 2006.

On Getting into punk:

On my teacher, Gudo Nishijima:

On the connection between punk rock and Zen:

By the way, I'm available for weddings and bar mitzvahs.."

From hardcorezen: ZAZEN TOMORROW (January 20, 2007)

"I just wanted to make sure everyone knows there will be Zazen at the Hill Street Center in Santa Monica on Saturday January 20, 2007 at the regularly scheduled time. But I will not be there. There's a link to your right with all the detials."

From hardcorezen: LIFT THE SEAT

"I’m in Peet’s Coffee Shop on the Sunset Strip as I write this. Just a couple minutes ago a lame-ass pseudo punk rock dickhead with a big Mohawk and a high priced leather jacket walked in. How do I know he was a dickhead?"

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

From community: buddhists @ 2006-12-27T04:04:00


Would you know a Buddha if He Stared you in the Face on the Subway?
Courtesy of
The 32 Signs of the Buddha: The ideal physical characteristics of the Buddha that one visually contemplates and emulates:

1. Thousand-spoked wheel sign on the foot print
2. Level feet
3. Long slender fingers
4. Pliant hands & feet
5. Finely webbed toes & fingers

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

From dharmapodcast: DP 30 Rohatsu - Introduction to Sesshin Practice and King Ashoka


Time: 35:10 Talk 1:
Recorded December 01, 2006, Upaya Zen Center
In this introductory talk, the teachers give inspiring words about the heart of practice: Kaz Sensei provides background explanation of Rohatsu; Enkyo Roshi gives a talk on concentration meditation, and Roshi Joan provides instruction for meditation, intentionality, and precautions for sesshin.

In this series of talks given by Kazuaki Tanahashi Sensei, Enkyo O'Hara Roshi, and Joan Halifax Roshi,  the practice sangha formed by Rohatsu sesshin explores the topic of King Ashoka. King Ashoka was responsible for many atrocities, including the deaths of thousands."

From movingmountain: Leaves Fest

"Rarely do I pause and get up close to observe patterns, shapes and textures. Now these frost covered leaves, isolated and framed, show their delicate beauty. In each frame dead leaves, with green life there also."

From movingmountain: Planning a Buddhist Funeral

"Following a request to talk about Buddhist Funerals I took a look around and found this article partly written by a senior priest of our Order. It's a gem in terms of resources and ideas for planning a funeral. That's it for to-day."

Monday, December 25, 2006

From amberstar: Zencast 84 - The Bodhisattva Path

"Buddha Camp - 3 Feet Up; The Bodisattva Path- Gil Fronsdal Audio Dharma ; Insight Meditation Center ; Gil Fronsdal ; 3 Feet Up ; 3 Feet Up (iTunes)"

From zencast: Podcast Radar: Urban Dharma Everyday Buddhism Class


Kusala Bhikshu is podcasting a great new “Everyday Buddhism” class series on his Urban Dharma Podcast.


From jack: Practicing Equanimity

"Recently a couple of incidents underscored that equanimity is a practice rather than an endpoint. Prior to this, I had viewed it as an eventual result of practice — rather than a practice itself.
The first occasion was a mind storm while running."

From jack: Introducing Mentor B.

"Mentor B. is a good friend who has kindly agreed that I can include some of our informal conversations as part of this blog. Mentor’s path is Buddhist though other paths were traveled too as part of the search for truth."

From jack: Mentor B. - Training and Enlightenment

"Jack: Part of the scripture recitation for the weekly meditation at the priory is Dogen’s Rules for Meditation. Dogen is pretty obscure for me in general, so I’m not very surprised when I find that I don’t understand something he writes. One of his statements has always seemed particularly incongruous, though."